Our Team

Patrick Werbowski

Patrick Werbowski


Michael Werbowski

Michael Werbowski

Project Manager

Joni Gilman

Joni Gilman

Senior Administrator

Chris Mills

Chris Mills

Operations Manager & LEA Technician

Erik Cazares

Erik Cazares

Project Manager & LEA Technician

Joel Faust

Joel Faust

Project Manager & LEA Technician

Amanda Smolinski

Amanda Smolinski

Associate Project Manager

Lynn Willoughby

Lynn Willoughby

Senior Project Administrator

Becca Werbowski

Becca Werbowski

Project Administrator

Aspenn Lacher

Aspenn Lacher

Associate Project Administrator

Christine Lake

Christine Lake

Bookkeeper & Human Resources

Rachel Borst

Rachel Borst

Administrative Support Assistant

Korena Wyatt

Korena Wyatt

Media & Marketing Associate

Christa Davis

Christa Davis


Larry Manchester

Larry Manchester


Nathan Velarde

Nathan Velarde

Inventory Manager & Shipping & Receiving

Arkadiy Grigoryan

Arkadiy Grigoryan

Door Technician & Locksmith

Brian Lay

Brian Lay

Door Technician & Locksmith

Bill Waldeck

Bill Waldeck

Door Technician & Locksmith

Chris Papkin

Chris Papkin

Door Technician & Locksmith

Christian Mordh

Christian Mordh

Shop Assistant & Locksmith

Cole Oury

Cole Oury

Door Technician & Locksmith

Dan McCoy

Dan McCoy

LEA Technician & Locksmith

David Mayernik

David Mayernik

Door Technician & Locksmith

Dennis Gesler

Dennis Gesler

Shop Assistant

Eddie Haselton

Eddie Haselton

Door Technician & Locksmith

Grant Wylie

Grant Wylie

Door Technician & Locksmith

James LaChance

James LaChance

Door Technician & Locksmith

John Day

John Day

Door Technician & Locksmith

John Mathews

John Mathews

Door Technician & Locksmith

Jon French

Jon French

LEA Technician & Locksmith

Jeff Khayat

Jeff Khayat

Door Technician & Locksmith

Justus Colebank

Justus Colebank

Shop Assistant

Tom Velarde

Tom Velarde

HQ Shop Manager

Tony Stahl

Tony Stahl

Door Technician & Locksmith

Ward Hayes

Ward Hayes

Downtown Shop Manager

Will Johnston

Will Johnston

Door Technician & Locksmith

Team Mascots



Goodest Boy #1



Goodest Boy #2

CCB licensed

Our locksmiths are fully insured and licensed to work in Oregon and Washington state.