Electronic Security is Trending in the Locksmith Industry

Electronic Security


When you’re starting a business there are so many things that you’ll need to plan out, but one important factor that shouldn’t be forgotten is the safety and security of your work space. More and more commercial businesses are choosing an electronic security system for their security needs. And there are goods reason why. Electronic security is the best way to manage access to your office space, apartment complex, hospital, school, or place of worship with detailed control over who has access to the premises.

In 2016, the Security Hardware Distributors Association (SHDA) held its yearly convention in Texas. Out of the 40 vendors on display, 25 of them prominently featured electronic locking systems. And the numbers have only gone up since then.

Electronic Security is Trending in the Locksmith Industry

An electronic security system has become the industry leader for its precision and accuracy. In a world where everything is becoming digitized, your business should not be the exception. The best locksmith will be able to point you in the direction of the right electronic security system for you, but don’t just take our word for it.

Here are some important reasons why electronic security is trending in the locksmith industry today.

Why Electronic Security?

Traditional mechanical security (or a system that uses keys) has historically been the gold-standard and will continue to be a necessary option in residential spaces where there are fewer users who need credentials. In the commercial realm, however, electronic security is more effective in providing and controlling access for a high volume of users, not to mention that unlike a key, an electronic key card or fob cannot be easily duplicated without the owner’s knowledge.

Additionally, keys don’t give owners the same control when it comes to timely access to buildings. An electronic security system will allow the owner to control what times their users may enter the premises and will digitally record who entered and left the building.

If you’re operating in a large building, you might want stringent controls over which entryways are accessible to the public and what times these doors will close for the night. Instead of spending your evening going from door to door to close up shop, an electronic security system will allow you to remotely set timers for all entryways. Meaning, less work for you and more security for your building.

Key Failure

Heavy, noisy, and easily vulnerable to theft, keys are no longer the industry standard for commercial buildings. Aside from the aforementioned fact that keys can easily be duplicated without their owner’s knowledge, keys also offer no control over when or who can access a door.

Think about it; as long as a key is being used, anyone has access to that doorway. Even if they aren’t an authorized user. A mechanical lock also cannot provide the owner with a list of the credential’s use (who used it and when), which is imperative for maximum security.

If a key is lost or stolen, the owner of the building must incur the cost of replacing locks for the entire building. Whereas in an electronic security system, you can easily shut off access for that specific electronic credential and reissue a new one to your authorized user, saving you time and hundreds of dollars.

Finally, mechanical locks can be defeated, which can ruin businesses who sell or use pricey materials. While mechanical locks will always have their place in security, the best locksmith will instruct you to use an electronic security system.

How do Electronic Locking Systems Work

There are many different options for how your electronic locking system can work. Whether that be keypads in the entrance ways of your buildings, magnetic strip cards that can be swiped for entry, or even proxy readers (like your key fobs or key cards) that can be waved in front of a reader for access.

What remains the same is this; a system of readers (keypads or lock-mounted readers) will be placed in any of the entryways of your choosing. The same credentials can be used for all entryways or additional credentials can be added to doors that are for users with higher security clearances. Your reader will carefully audit every electronic credential that is used to access the premises, ensuring premium security.

Electronic Security’s Staying Power

As we’ve seen with our cell phones, electronic security is the wave of the future. The latest in mobile security has even advanced so far as to include thumbprint and iris-recognition, but your business won’t need to go that far.

The development of new and innovative tools for electronic security has only just begun. More and more locksmiths are realizing that businesses need higher levels of control over their work space. And the best locksmiths know that the future capabilities of electronic security are endless.

Take for instance, the improvement in access to handicapped or injured users. Electronic doors, that open and close with the swipe of a credential, have made it so much easier for those who are less mobile to enter and leave a premise. If you are running a commercial operation, there will be no bigger point of pride then knowing your building is inclusive.

The perks to an electronic space are overwhelming, but we here at Harry’s Locksmith are here to help. Since 1949 we’ve helped our local businesses, schools, and places of worship protect their spaces and keep our community safe.

Our mission is to make sure every customer of Harry’s Locksmith feels like one of “Harry’s family” by providing personalized attention and the best in customer service. We offer an array of commercial services, including access control to your electronic security system, creating a security system that will pass inspection with the American with Disabilities Act, safe servicing and combination changes, and much more.

Whether you’re just starting on your dream project or you want to update your current security system, give us a call and allow us to show you what it means to get the best locksmith in town. We guarantee that you’ll be happy with our service.

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The Pros & Cons of Pushbutton Locks

Have you ever forgotten or lost a key and spent hours dealing with the consequences? It makes you scramble for alternative solutions.

Luckily, your local locksmith service has a few ideas for you.

At most commercial properties, people come and go all hours of the day, seven days of the week. And while you might have regular business hours where the doors are left unlocked, there can still be some employees or tenants that need access after normal business hours are over.
The Pros & Cons of Pushbutton Locks
That means multiple people need a way of accessing the building without having to come directly to you.

That makes keyless door entry systems one of the best upgrades you can make. This technology isn’t new. In fact, as a local locksmith service who’s been in business for many years, we’ll tell you we’ve been installing this technology for years.

Sure, it’s changed a little over the years. With smart technology, you can upgrade your locks in many ways. But even with the most straightforward pushbutton lock system, there are many advantages that’ll leave you wanting this installed in your commercial property today.

Living in today’s world, our lives are busier than ever. If we can find ways of shaving off a few minutes here and there, it gives us time to do the things we really want to do. Keyless entry systems can do that in a number of ways.

Ever wandered around your home in the morning wondering where you left your keys? You check pockets, fish around on your counter, even retrace your steps from the night before. With a pushbutton lock, you’ll never have to worry about finding that key again.

And it’s not just you. The more people that enter your commercial property, the more people impacted by this technology. Have you ever had a tenant or employee call you at odd hours because they can’t find their keys? A push-button entry system eliminates that forever. They’ll always have access to their code.

Of course, there are many styles. Many are battery-powered, which eliminates the hassle of hard wiring the door. Some offer smart technology, which means you can access codes from anywhere in the world. Whatever you choose, convenience will be the fundamental characteristic you love the most.

What most property owners and managers love most about pushbutton locks is the ability to have total control over the system.

If you have a high rate of employee turnover, have you ever stopped to think how many people have access to your building who shouldn’t be there? The number might be staggering. And a little scary.

Mechanical keys can’t be misplaced, stolen, or copied. And because every person that enters can have a different access code, you can change the numbers the moment an employee walks out the door for the last time.

This also gives you more built-in control features, such as the ability to follow the trail to when and where people enter. It also gives you the ability to shut out access when you don’t want entrance granted. Want to go on lockdown during critical upgrades or security checks? Not a problem.

Keeping track of how many keys have been produced and who has a key is difficult at best. Then there’s always the chance an employee copied a key on his own.

Every time you have a new key made it costs you money. Need to have a building rekeyed? More money. While installing a keyed entry system may seem like the least expensive way to secure your property, it can add up very quickly. Add in the time it takes to meet with a locksmith and wait throughout the process, and you’ll find the expense can grow astronomically, especially if you have a high turnover rate.

Have you ever had a key get so worn down it no longer works? Or maybe a lock system that malfunctions due to frequent or heavy use? We’ve even been called out to work sites because a key accidentally breaks off in the lock. It can be aggravating at best.

Pushbutton entry systems are resilient because they don’t sustain the repetitive behavior associated with turning a key. The pushbuttons will last far longer than their key counterparts.

Increased Security
Traditional locks have been around long enough for most would-be criminals to know how to break through. Traditional locks can be picked and lock bumped, which often leaves no visible signs of forced entry. That makes it more difficult to collect from your insurance company if theft should occur.

Push-button and keyless entry lock systems offer a variety of different locking mechanisms. Every building needs a different level of protection, so it’s important to work with your local locksmith to make sure your needs are met.

Outside of the benefits we’ve mentioned above, you can also find keyless entry systems that include:

  • Adjustable code length
  • Restricted access that will lock after a certain number of failed attempts
  • Instant lockout for security breaches
  • Quick deletion with a master code
  • Multiple access modes, including PIN and card access for heightened security

What’s more, push-button technology also is available in many different looks and styles. They are made from durable materials that protect not only against criminal behavior, but also against weather, too.

Of course, with every system, there are always disadvantages no matter how many advantages it offers. Keyless entry systems are no different. Here are the biggest we encounter from day to day:

With traditional key systems, you run the risk of someone copying the key. WIth keyless entry, a person can share their entry code with anyone at any time. They can do it willingly by sharing it with a friend, or unknowingly by leaving the code on their desk. This makes it more difficult to monitor who is coming and going.

Like all technology, there is always a risk of a system or hardware malfunction or failure. Battery-powered locks are only as good as the battery supply. Ensure you change the batteries regularly. Wired technology can cease to exist with a major power failure. Make sure your system is connected to a backup power solution so as to maintain a secure building even when the main power supply fails.

Push-button entry systems are more expensive to install. Because the technology is more sophisticated than traditional locks, you pay for the advancement upfront. It might also require more maintenance over time, as technology continues to advance.

What’s your preference in locking up your commercial location? Are you doing all you can to keep employees, tenants, and property safe and secure? If not, give us a call. As a local locksmith service, we’re happy to help.