Properly Securing a Building Starts with a Good Locksmith
Feeling safe at home and work is important. Unfortunately, many people assume they are secure without taking the proper steps to ensure that their house or place of business is truly properly secured.
It is easy to overlook certain aspects of securing a building and those oversights can lead to costly breaches. The good news is that, with the help of a good locksmith, areas that the lay-person would not give the proper attention to can be brought into focus and handled with the attention required.
By following certain steps with a good Vancouver locksmith the security desired when at home or work can be fairly easily acquired.
Change Your Locks
This may seem obvious to some, but it is often not considered by new homeowners or building managers. When moving into a new home or place of business, it is always a good idea to double check the state of the new building’s current locks. All the main entrances, such as the front and back doors, should have a secure deadbolt, ideally a double cylinder deadbolt. Check all windows, and skylights and make sure that they also have locks on them.
If moving into a new space that was previously owned by someone else, it is a good idea to get the locks changed. While the previous owners may have been honest in turning over all of the keys, they could have easily forgotten about a spare they once gave out.
If moving into a newly built home, many builders use construction locks during the building process. They often key the permanent locks shortly before the new homeowners move in. It’s best to not assume this was the case and to double check with the realtor. If this is the case, it is not necessary to change the locks. However, if the locks on the newly built home were often used by tradespeople, then it is a good idea to get these locks changed.
Changing locks doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead of replacing every single lock in the newly acquired building, get those locks rekeyed. A Vancouver locksmith can come to the home or place of business and change the locks so they can only be opened by a different set of keys. This is far cheaper and easier than replacing every single lock.
It also allows for the option to have all locks to be opened by one key, avoiding having to carry around a keychain with half a dozen keys.
Make a Plan
It is important to have a “security solution” in place that prevents anyone from walking into the property and damaging it, or making off with something that does not belong to them. In order for this to be effective, however, it is crucial to use the right locks so that the building’s security is not vulnerable.
There are some brands that security experts prefer over others, so taking the time to do the adequate research is imperative. If time for research is simply not available, a professional can provide the insight needed to make an informed decision.
It is also important to consider other factors where a professional locksmith can help ensure that a security investment is truly secure. If installed in the wrong way, if an incorrect lock is used, or if a lock is improperly maintained, there is an increased chance that the lock will be ineffective to intruders.
Light, Light, Light
Exterior lighting is important for anyone that wants to improve their security. Many burglars and criminals prefer to operate under the shroud of darkness. Therefore, if a property has poor exterior lighting it is more vulnerable to security breaches than a well-lit building. Lighting may sound like a decorative add-on, but it is an essential part of effective security solutions.
Consider Commercial Locks
The importance of commercial door locks cannot go unsaid. While the perimeter is the first point of access, the door’s locks are the cornerstone to any building’s security. If there are no door locks in place to bar access or grant access, then all the other aforementioned security measures will hardly be important.
There should be no mistake that commercial grade door locks are different than residential door locks, and any locksmith will tell you as much. Commercial grade door locks are built to last longer, due to the fact that they normally come into contact with more people. This means that they deal with much more foot traffic, which equates to more rotations and cycles by the door lock, so it has to be built to last much longer than regular house locks would.
Also, many commercial door locks have built-in measures that make it much more difficult for burglars and criminals to bypass. Many of these locks are anti-bump locks, as well as anti-pick and snap proof. In choosing your commercial door locks pay attention to the various access points. Remember that almost every access point will need a lock and this goes for offices, emergency exits and gates alike.
It is also important to take into account the medium that the lock is being used with, as well as the manner in which that particular access point is used. It is important to not use the wrong lock. While most doors, especially within an office-like environment, would be best suited to install grade one commercial locks, with some variation between the interior and exterior doors, this may not be the case for all doors and is another area where a professional locksmith’s expertise will prove invaluable.
Feel, and Be, Secure
Protecting a property can seem like an overwhelming task. However, with the help of a professional Vancouver locksmith, the key aspects to improving a building’s security can be addressed fairly quickly.
There is a difference between feeling safe and secure and actually being safe and secure and that difference can often be found in the time, care, and expert attention that has been paid to a building’s security, especially the locks.